sábado, 31 de julho de 2010

Drunk dead!

Oh, well imagine,as I'm pacing the park,and I can't help but to hear an exchanging of words:

"What a beautiful couple!"

I chime in with a:

"And yes, but what a shame, what a shame, the poor girl is a whore!Curse not, cause clossing the gooddamn door, it's much better than facing these kinds of things!!!!
Well let's put it this way, it calls for a toast to every single on off you, cause I'm too dead drunk!!!
Well in fact, again , this poor girl is only a whore!!!
Hey love, you're going dooooooooooown whore!
I'm so much more than you are bargained for?
Cause this is just who i am this week!
Hope You don't mind me looking from here at you two!
Wishing to be the friction in your jeans
Isn't it messed up how I'm just dying to be him!!!!!!!!!"


Lara start datting that asshole Jorge!!!!!!! An i'm just Drunk Dead, f*cked up hein?


Marcus and me are fine now, I've promissed him i wouldn't make another move on his sis...

Bros above whores...(so amarican)


Sorry I ain't in the mood to write in portuguese(desculpei nao estou com vontade de escrever em portugues)


Jorge: Ass-f*cking-hole
Lara: .....
Marcus: best friend ever

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